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Editing the Members Details Template
Members Details can be viewed on
Available macros:
[#ID#] - The identifier of toplist member.
[#SURL#] - The URL of the member's site.
[#SURL2#] - The URL #2 of the member's site.
[#SURL3#] - The URL #3 of the member's site.
[#TITL#] - Title of the member's site.
[#DESC#] - The description of the member's site.
[#BURL#] - The URL of a banner.
[#BWD#] - Width size of a banner.
[#BHT#] - Height size of a banner.
[#FURL#] - The status bar browser when mouse is over the hyperlink.
[#RURL#] - Recipe address (the return reference)
[#FLD1#] - The First defined field by the admin.
[#FLD2#] - The Second defined field by the admin.
[#FLD3#] - The Third defined field by the admin.
[#CAT#] - The Category of a site of the member.
[#CATS#] - Macro used for a choice of categories in select html-tag.
[#URL#] - The URL of out link on the member's site.
[#RATING#] - current member's average rating.
[#VOTED#] - the number of unique voted members.
[#COMMENTS#] - the number of member's comments.
Members Details can be viewed on
Available macros:
[#ID#] - The identifier of toplist member.
[#SURL#] - The URL of the member's site.
[#SURL2#] - The URL #2 of the member's site.
[#SURL3#] - The URL #3 of the member's site.
[#TITL#] - Title of the member's site.
[#DESC#] - The description of the member's site.
[#BURL#] - The URL of a banner.
[#BWD#] - Width size of a banner.
[#BHT#] - Height size of a banner.
[#FURL#] - The status bar browser when mouse is over the hyperlink.
[#RURL#] - Recipe address (the return reference)
[#FLD1#] - The First defined field by the admin.
[#FLD2#] - The Second defined field by the admin.
[#FLD3#] - The Third defined field by the admin.
[#CAT#] - The Category of a site of the member.
[#CATS#] - Macro used for a choice of categories in select html-tag.
[#URL#] - The URL of out link on the member's site.
[#RATING#] - current member's average rating.
[#VOTED#] - the number of unique voted members.
[#COMMENTS#] - the number of member's comments.