Editing the "Contact Us" Template.

The "Contact Us" form can be viewed on
You can modify them at "Editing the Members Area Templates", "Mail form" page.

Required macroses in html form:
[#NAME#] - Sender's Name.
[#EMAIL#] - Sender's E-mail.
[#SUBJ#] - Subject of the letter.
[#MESSAGE#] - The body of letter.

You can use your own message template, where you can specify another additional fields with text. If you want to use our own message template, make sure you has this tag in the "Mail form" page:
<input type="hidden" name="NotTemlatedMsg" value="0">
Value of "1" in this tag indicates, that script should send a simple message without additional fields.
All additional names of form fields must begin with "M_" and has same macro name without "M_" in their value.
<input type=text name="M_SITE" value="[#SITE#]">

The message template you can modify in "Edit the Design and Templates" - "Mail Templates", "Visitors Feedback form". There you can add all macroses you have on "Mail form" page, but write them without leading "M_" here.