Editing List Pages (Mode 2, ARP)

Configuring design of a rating is carried out by editing html-templates of pages of a rating. Templates of pages have a set of macros which are filled by the necessary information at record of page on a disk of a server or at preliminary viewing. The Html-code of rating page is split into some parts: the top part of page (Header), repeating parts (Template) - templates of a line of the table of a rating, and a final bottom part of page (Footer).

The top part of page (Header) - a html-code with which a page begins, usually includes html-tags: <html>, <head>, </head>, <body>, <table>. The Header-part usually contains a html-code from the beginning of page up to the table of a rating, including the top of the table.

The repeating part (Template) - contains a html-code with the information on the member of a rating (a place, the title and the description of a site, a banner, statistics etc.). This part is inserted after a Header-part, filled for each account by his data and copied making the table of a rating.

Final part (Footer) - the bottom html-part of rating page. Usually contains html-tags: </table>, </body>, </html>.

Available macros in Header and Footer HTML:
[#RNKMODE#] - The mode of ranging toplist. Macro is replaced with the text "Reset every" in reset-mode and "Ranking rotation for" in no-reset mode. It is applied in pair with a macro [#RNKTIME#] or [#RNKTIMEH#].
[#RNKTIME#] - The exact time between resets in reset mode or the interval for which the statistics in no-reset mode is shown.
[#RNKTIMEH#] - Similarly to previous item. Time in hours, for want of it the fractional parts are discarded.
[#LUPDT#] - Time of last rerank of a rating.
[#NUPDT#] - Time of the next rerank of a rating.
[#LRSET#] - Time of last reset of a rating.
[#NRSET#] - Time of next reset of a rating.
[#TZNAME#] - The name of a time zone of toplist's time (GMT, MSK...).
[#GMTOFFSET#] - The difference in hours between toplist's time and Greenwich time (GMT.)

[#TOT#]- Total of the registered members.
[#CURL#] - The Web-address of a CGI-folder, is setting by the administrator.
[#CATS#] - Macro used for a choice of categories in select html-tag.
[#SES#] - The unique session identifier. Also available in Template HTML.

Available macros in Template HTML:
[#USER#] - The identifier of toplist member.
[#ORNK#] - The rank of a site in the main rating.
[#CRNK#] - The rank of a site in a category.
[#RNK#] - Universal rank*.
[#URL#] - The URL of the member's site.
[#TITLE#] - Title of the member's site.
[#FSIZE#] - Font size.
[#DESC#] - The description of the member's site.
[#DESC_FULL#] - The description of the member's site without "Description Preview Length Limit".
[#BANNER#] - A html-code of a banner of the member's site.
[#FURL#] - The status bar browser when mouse is over the hyperlink.
[#RURL#] - Recipe address (the return reference)
[#FLD1#] - The First defined field by the admin.
[#FLD2#] - The Second defined field by the admin.
[#FLD3#] - The Third defined field by the admin.
[#CAT#] - The Category of a site of the member.
[#CATL#] - The Address of top list's category.
[#ICON#] - The Icon of the member. It is defined by the admin
[#NEW#] - Icon New.
[#MOVE#] - An Icon showing movement of a site in top list (up/down/unchanged).
[#ROWC#] - Row colour.
[#RAW#] - Amount of all incoming hits on toplist.
[#IN#] - Amount of the counted incoming hits.
[#OUT#] - Amount of outgoing hits.
[#TRAW#] - Total all incoming hits on toplist.
[#TIN#] - Total the counted incoming hits on toplist.
[#TOUT#] - Total outgoing hits from toplist.
[#IPDAY#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in day (IN/Day).
[#IPWEK#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#IPMTH#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a month (IN/Mon).
[#OPDAY#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in day (IN/Day).
[#OPWEK#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#OPMTH#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a month (IN/Mon).

[#PORANK#] - The previous rank in the main toplist.
[#PCRANK#] - The previous rank in a category.
[#PIN#] - The previous value of the counted incoming hits.
[#POUT#] - The previous value of outgoing hits.
[#SORT#] - The value of statistics in which the sorting of members is occured.
[#PSORT#] - The previous value of statistics used to sort the members.

[#RATING#] - current member's average rating.
[#VOTED#] - the number of unique voted members.
[#COMMENTS#] - the number of member's comments.

*Universal rank - rank in a page depending on type of page. When creating pages of the main toplist (overall) is rank in the main toplist, if categories is rank in a category.

The Random Site.
Each toplist's updating chooses one random site from all present in the list. Macros similar to ones with "RND" are used to show it in the page :