Manual DF™ TopList Pro/Lite
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TopList Settings.
Editing List Pages (Mode 1).
Editing List Pages (Mode 2, ARP).
Traffic statistics.
Cheat statistics.
Member's account.
Search. Editing the search template.
Editing the Members Details Template.
Editing the "Contact Us" Template.
Editing The Gateway Page.
Black IP-list.
Black Lists of content.
Database Backup/Restore.
Changing Administrative Password.
GeoIP database import
Format of date and time.
Editing List Pages (Mode 2, ARP)
Configuring design of a rating is carried out by editing html-templates of pages of a rating. Templates of pages have a set of macros which are filled by the necessary information at record of page on a disk of a server or at preliminary viewing. The Html-code of rating page is split into some parts: the top part of page (Header), repeating parts (Template) - templates of a line of the table of a rating, and a final bottom part of page (Footer).
The top part of page (Header) - a html-code with which a page begins, usually includes html-tags: <html>, <head>, </head>, <body>, <table>. The Header-part usually contains a html-code from the beginning of page up to the table of a rating, including the top of the table.
The repeating part (Template) - contains a html-code with the information on the member of a rating (a place, the title and the description of a site, a banner, statistics etc.). This part is inserted after a Header-part, filled for each account by his data and copied making the table of a rating.
Final part (Footer) - the bottom html-part of rating page. Usually contains html-tags: </table>, </body>, </html>.
Available macros in Header and Footer HTML:
[#RNKMODE#] - The mode of ranging toplist. Macro is replaced with the text "Reset every" in reset-mode and "Ranking rotation for" in no-reset mode. It is applied in pair with a macro [#RNKTIME#] or [#RNKTIMEH#].
[#RNKTIME#] - The exact time between resets in reset mode or the interval for which the statistics in no-reset mode is shown.
[#RNKTIMEH#] - Similarly to previous item. Time in hours, for want of it the fractional parts are discarded.
[#LUPDT#] - Time of last rerank of a rating.
[#NUPDT#] - Time of the next rerank of a rating.
[#LRSET#] - Time of last reset of a rating.
[#NRSET#] - Time of next reset of a rating.
[#TZNAME#] - The name of a time zone of toplist's time (GMT, MSK...).
[#GMTOFFSET#] - The difference in hours between toplist's time and Greenwich time (GMT.)
[#TOT#]- Total of the registered members.
[#CURL#] - The Web-address of a CGI-folder, is setting by the administrator.
[#CATS#] - Macro used for a choice of categories in select html-tag.
[#SES#] - The unique session identifier. Also available in Template HTML.
Available macros in Template HTML:
[#USER#] - The identifier of toplist member.
[#ORNK#] - The rank of a site in the main rating.
[#CRNK#] - The rank of a site in a category.
[#RNK#] - Universal rank*.
[#URL#] - The URL of the member's site.
[#TITLE#] - Title of the member's site.
[#FSIZE#] - Font size.
[#DESC#] - The description of the member's site.
[#DESC_FULL#] - The description of the member's site without "Description Preview Length Limit".
[#BANNER#] - A html-code of a banner of the member's site.
[#FURL#] - The status bar browser when mouse is over the hyperlink.
[#RURL#] - Recipe address (the return reference)
[#FLD1#] - The First defined field by the admin.
[#FLD2#] - The Second defined field by the admin.
[#FLD3#] - The Third defined field by the admin.
[#CAT#] - The Category of a site of the member.
[#CATL#] - The Address of top list's category.
[#ICON#] - The Icon of the member. It is defined by the admin
[#NEW#] - Icon New.
[#MOVE#] - An Icon showing movement of a site in top list (up/down/unchanged).
[#ROWC#] - Row colour.
[#RAW#] - Amount of all incoming hits on toplist.
[#IN#] - Amount of the counted incoming hits.
[#OUT#] - Amount of outgoing hits.
[#TRAW#] - Total all incoming hits on toplist.
[#TIN#] - Total the counted incoming hits on toplist.
[#TOUT#] - Total outgoing hits from toplist.
[#IPDAY#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in day (IN/Day).
[#IPWEK#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#IPMTH#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a month (IN/Mon).
[#OPDAY#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in day (IN/Day).
[#OPWEK#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#OPMTH#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a month (IN/Mon).
[#PORANK#] - The previous rank in the main toplist.
[#PCRANK#] - The previous rank in a category.
[#PIN#] - The previous value of the counted incoming hits.
[#POUT#] - The previous value of outgoing hits.
[#SORT#] - The value of statistics in which the sorting of members is occured.
[#PSORT#] - The previous value of statistics used to sort the members.
[#RATING#] - current member's average rating.
[#VOTED#] - the number of unique voted members.
[#COMMENTS#] - the number of member's comments.
*Universal rank - rank in a page depending on type of page. When creating pages of the main toplist (overall) is rank in the main toplist, if categories is rank in a category.
The Random Site.
Each toplist's updating chooses one random site from all present in the list. Macros similar to ones with "RND" are used to show it in the page :
Configuring design of a rating is carried out by editing html-templates of pages of a rating. Templates of pages have a set of macros which are filled by the necessary information at record of page on a disk of a server or at preliminary viewing. The Html-code of rating page is split into some parts: the top part of page (Header), repeating parts (Template) - templates of a line of the table of a rating, and a final bottom part of page (Footer).
The top part of page (Header) - a html-code with which a page begins, usually includes html-tags: <html>, <head>, </head>, <body>, <table>. The Header-part usually contains a html-code from the beginning of page up to the table of a rating, including the top of the table.
The repeating part (Template) - contains a html-code with the information on the member of a rating (a place, the title and the description of a site, a banner, statistics etc.). This part is inserted after a Header-part, filled for each account by his data and copied making the table of a rating.
Final part (Footer) - the bottom html-part of rating page. Usually contains html-tags: </table>, </body>, </html>.
Available macros in Header and Footer HTML:
[#RNKMODE#] - The mode of ranging toplist. Macro is replaced with the text "Reset every" in reset-mode and "Ranking rotation for" in no-reset mode. It is applied in pair with a macro [#RNKTIME#] or [#RNKTIMEH#].
[#RNKTIME#] - The exact time between resets in reset mode or the interval for which the statistics in no-reset mode is shown.
[#RNKTIMEH#] - Similarly to previous item. Time in hours, for want of it the fractional parts are discarded.
[#LUPDT#] - Time of last rerank of a rating.
[#NUPDT#] - Time of the next rerank of a rating.
[#LRSET#] - Time of last reset of a rating.
[#NRSET#] - Time of next reset of a rating.
[#TZNAME#] - The name of a time zone of toplist's time (GMT, MSK...).
[#GMTOFFSET#] - The difference in hours between toplist's time and Greenwich time (GMT.)
[#TOT#]- Total of the registered members.
[#CURL#] - The Web-address of a CGI-folder, is setting by the administrator.
[#CATS#] - Macro used for a choice of categories in select html-tag.
[#SES#] - The unique session identifier. Also available in Template HTML.
Available macros in Template HTML:
[#USER#] - The identifier of toplist member.
[#ORNK#] - The rank of a site in the main rating.
[#CRNK#] - The rank of a site in a category.
[#RNK#] - Universal rank*.
[#URL#] - The URL of the member's site.
[#TITLE#] - Title of the member's site.
[#FSIZE#] - Font size.
[#DESC#] - The description of the member's site.
[#DESC_FULL#] - The description of the member's site without "Description Preview Length Limit".
[#BANNER#] - A html-code of a banner of the member's site.
[#FURL#] - The status bar browser when mouse is over the hyperlink.
[#RURL#] - Recipe address (the return reference)
[#FLD1#] - The First defined field by the admin.
[#FLD2#] - The Second defined field by the admin.
[#FLD3#] - The Third defined field by the admin.
[#CAT#] - The Category of a site of the member.
[#CATL#] - The Address of top list's category.
[#ICON#] - The Icon of the member. It is defined by the admin
[#NEW#] - Icon New.
[#MOVE#] - An Icon showing movement of a site in top list (up/down/unchanged).
[#ROWC#] - Row colour.
[#RAW#] - Amount of all incoming hits on toplist.
[#IN#] - Amount of the counted incoming hits.
[#OUT#] - Amount of outgoing hits.
[#TRAW#] - Total all incoming hits on toplist.
[#TIN#] - Total the counted incoming hits on toplist.
[#TOUT#] - Total outgoing hits from toplist.
[#IPDAY#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in day (IN/Day).
[#IPWEK#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#IPMTH#] - Average amount of the counted incoming hits in a month (IN/Mon).
[#OPDAY#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in day (IN/Day).
[#OPWEK#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a week (IN/Week).
[#OPMTH#] - Average amount of outgoing hits in a month (IN/Mon).
[#PORANK#] - The previous rank in the main toplist.
[#PCRANK#] - The previous rank in a category.
[#PIN#] - The previous value of the counted incoming hits.
[#POUT#] - The previous value of outgoing hits.
[#SORT#] - The value of statistics in which the sorting of members is occured.
[#PSORT#] - The previous value of statistics used to sort the members.
[#RATING#] - current member's average rating.
[#VOTED#] - the number of unique voted members.
[#COMMENTS#] - the number of member's comments.
*Universal rank - rank in a page depending on type of page. When creating pages of the main toplist (overall) is rank in the main toplist, if categories is rank in a category.
The Random Site.
Each toplist's updating chooses one random site from all present in the list. Macros similar to ones with "RND" are used to show it in the page :