System requirements
  • Minimum:
    Linux / FreeBSD / Solaris / NT
    Free space: 10Mb
  • Recommended:
  • Recommended hosting:
  • Purchase:
    DF™ Site Monitor
    Start (1/150) — $15
    Extra (3/250) — $35
    Unlimited (-/-) — $50
  • Lease:
    DF™ Site Monitor Extra
    Price/Mon — $5
    *first month $10
  • Trial:
    DF™ Site Monitor Extra
    FREE — 15 day
Prices in detail

DF™ Site Monitor v2.14

DF™ Site Monitor (C++) — is a system for monitoring web-sites. The system allows monitoring the availability of web sites and their content by checking whether the given content exists or does not exist on the site. The system can be used autonomously or as a module for other systems.
For acquaintance with system there is demo and trial version of system.

System information:

  • There is a web interface for adjusting the system and watching the monitoring progress and site status.
  • New Simultaneous scanning of multiple sites. Multithreaded sites check.
  • New Built-in scheduler enabling the system to work without cron usage.
  • New Search by masks. Masks enable you to analyze the HTML code in a deeper way. For instance, with masks you can figure out whether your link is in document body (<body>), whether it is inside comments or not, and whether there are unclosed HTML tags in front of it which prevent its correct displaying (<!--…-->,<script>,<textarea>) or SE indexation (<noindex>).
  • New Working with tasks. Checking the sites of a group once, generating a report and automated group deletion.
  • New Reliable checking of "freezing sites" due to increasing the check frequency when site status changes to unavailable.
  • New Detecting redirects and visiting the site where the redirect leads for checking it.
  • New Truncation of page parameters (QUERY_STRING) when checking of sites.
  • Site status changes are logged.
  • Server overload protection. Number of sites checked per script run can be limited.
  • The number of sites monitored is unlimited.
  • API interface for using the system as a module for other scripts.
  • The checked sites are divided into groups with different rules of checking (monitoring). Every group has these parameters of its own:
    • frequency of checking the sites in the group;
    • method of notification and events which bring about user notification;
    • content which should exist on the sites (e.g. your banner) and/or should not exist (such as scripts, exploits) on the sites of this group. The number of content entries is unlimited;
    • monitoring log.
  • Several methods of user notification when a site changes its status:
    • Email message (E-mail->SMS);
    • connecting to an internet address to transfer the data about the site's new status using GET;
    • running a predefined command line and transferring the data on the site's new status.
  • Specifying check parameters for every web site (URL):
    • checking the site's page availability (Uptime);
    • checking whether certain content does not exist on the site (frames, scripts, ActiveX);
    • checking whether certain content exists on the sites;


DF™ Site Monitor: Setting up the system and monitoring the site status

Concept of work:

A user works with the system via the administrative web interface.

The administrator installs the system and sets up its basic preferences (email settings, system time, bot request parameters). He also determines the way the site checking module will be launched, whether using cron or the built-in scheduler. The number of threads is also set up, along with the amount of sites checked per one module run. Thus, site checking speed is determined and server load is optimized.

All the checked sites in the system are subdivided into groups. So, to check sites, first you need to create a group and define its parameters. Then you can add sites to this group. Group parameters define the status changes you to notify about, notification type, required or disallowed content, check logging and other options. A site’s status is determined by its availability and presence/absence of predefined content. When a site status change is detected, the administrator or third party systems are notified about the site’s new status. Notification can happen in one of the following ways: email message, sending data to a third party site through GET, calling a third party script and sending data into the stream (stdin). When site URLs are added to a group, the parameters of their monitoring are defined: whether a site is checked for required/forbidden content.

The sites of a group are checked in turn, first the sites which have not been checked for the longest time.

The administrative interface allows watching the site checking in real time. The administrator can see the stats for group checking and the site status for the time of checking. Also, a log file of the checking procedures is kept.

The system documentation (help) features a more detailed description of the system options, as well as system interfaces.

The system as a module: working principle.

When using the system as a module, the administrative interface is not used. The system gets all the information concerning web site URLs and checking parameters from third party programs using API interfaces. Having collected the information during the check, the system sends it back to the program, or emails to a specified address. Command line, standard in/out streams and environment variables are used for data exchange. It enables the system to communicate with third party scripts and programs developed in various programming languages.
The system documentation (help) features a detailed description of interfaces for connecting to third party systems (API). Moreover, a sample Perl script is offered, which demonstrates the way the system acts as a module.

Trial version:

Trial version has all the functionality of the commercial version DF™ Site Monitor (Extra), but it will expire 15 days after the installation.

Documentation: Manual on installation / Forum

Download: For Linux / For FreeBSD4 (FreeBSD Static)

(downloaded 839 times since 12.02.2007)

Terms of use Trial version:
  • Trial version is distributed on a principle "AS IS". Any warranties not and it is not meant. You use the program at own risk. The author does not bear the responsibility for possible data losses, damages, losses of the profit and other losses, occured because of using the program.
  • Free technical support for Trial version DOES NOT RENDERED (forum only).
  • When the trial period is expired, you are required to remove or purchase the software.

Using our software means agreement with listed requirements.

Operational technical support: software installation or consultation.

Models (sub-version) of DF™ Site Monitor:

The system has several models differing by functionality and the price. Models differ from each other maximum quantity of groups and maximum quantity of sites in group.

DF™ Site Monitor
Model Max. groups Max. sites in group Price
DF™ Site Monitor (Start) 1 150 $15
DF™ Site Monitor (Extra) 3 250 $35
DF™ Site Monitor (Unlimited) unlimited unlimited $50


New — new in 2.0x version since 1.5x.
New — new in 1.5x version since 1.0x.

More detailed information about introduction of new functions can be found in changes log.