Seller Settings

Login – web traffic seller login.
E-Mail Address - traffic seller E-Mail.
Traffic Niche(s) – Niches of sold traffic. Used only as a note which can be edited by the seller and system administrator.
Reciprocal Link URL – URL from which the seller sends web traffic.
Remark/ICQ – administrator remarks about this seller (ICQ number, payment information etc). This field can be viewed by administrator only.

Status - seller status can be either Active or Suspend:
  Active – usual status. Seller receives funds for purchased traffic
  Suspend – аaccount is blocked, traffic is not sold, funds are not received.
Money – Current money amount on the seller's account.
Paid Money – money paid for the traffic(advance payment). Add – increase number of money paid to the seller (used in the account settings section).
Traffic Money – amount of money earned for the purchased traffic.
Balance Money – balance between the money received for the purchased traffic and money transferred to the seller. If the balance is positive, it shows the sum which the buyer owes to the seller. Negative balance is the price of the traffic which the seller has to send to the buyer to cover the advance payment.

Traffic Category – category of seller traffic.

Traffic filtration mode - selecting the mode of traffic filtration.
Redirect Mode (No Redirect Page) - Redirect mode of traffic filtration. The traffic is redirected from the seller to the buyer, keeping the referrer. This is the fastest and most simple mode of traffic filtration, with the least anti-cheat protection. In this mode it is not possible to determine a number of traffic properties, such as Cookie, JavaScript, Java, connection type (Lan/Modem), also some anti-cheat mechanisms are not employed, which make use of these parameters. Properties which can't be determined are inactive in this mode. In Redirect mode cheat traffic using frames and similar methods is possible. We recommend reviewing sites from which the traffic comes regularly and determine whether they contain frames, loading files as CSS etc (here we won't describe cheating methods from which the majority of similar systems suffer). This mode is recommended for filtration of known traffic where cheating is not to be expected
Enable Redirect Page - this mode makes use of a minor intermediary page with redirect. In this mode detailed traffic sorting is possible (JavaScript, Java, Cookie, connection type), and also anti-cheat mechanisms are employed. On a redirect page a piece of HTML is used that is working in all browsers, including those with enabled scripts. Still a part of the traffic is lost on the redirect page (traffic loss occurs) - it happens because of simultaneous disabling JavaScript and <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" ..> using in the browser. Also some SE bots are lost on this stage, which increases lost traffic. With traffic of good quality losses usually are 2-5%. This mode is recommended for detailed traffic sorting and detecting cheats.
Frame Mode (Redirect Page in Frame, Required JavaScript) - in this mode an IFRAME (hidden frame) is installed on a page from which the traffic will go. In this frame traffic parameters are determined, and if they correspond to the specified properties in traffic type settings, traffic is redirected to the specified page. If traffic properties do not correspond to the specified properties, no redirections occur. For this mode JavaScript is required to be enabled in the surfer's browser. This mode is recommended for separating rare traffic from various web pages (CJ, Top, TGP).

Link code - link where the buyer sends traffic, or HTML code which the seller has to install on his/her site. Link and HTML code depend on the traffic category and the filtration mode.

Traffic Types - here traffic properties, country, price and link where the specified type of traffic should go are specified. Traffic properties include:
Uniq Only - only unique hits.
No Proxy - only non-proxy traffic.
No Cheat - only traffic which passed the anti-cheat checking.
No SE Bots - traffic without SE bots (Google, Yahoo, Inktomi, Yandex etc).
Referrer Only - only traffic with referrers.
JavaScript Only - visitors with JavaScript enabled.
Cookie Only - visitors with cookies enabled.
Java Only - visitors with Java (Java Applets) enabled.
Mobile Only - only mobile browsers.
Con.Type - traffic with specified connection type (modem, lan, unknown, All - any connection).
Price - traffic price for the specified type.
Url - address where the purchased traffic should go. In the PURCHASE & SALE traffic system the URL field can contain the word "SALE" (SALE=1, SALE=2), which means that the traffic goes for selling. The number after "=" is the number of traffic category. If the category is not specified, traffic will be sold to buyers who did not specify any category or selected "All Categories".

Enable to select traffic types to the seller - this option allows the seller to choose a type of sold traffic among the default in the "Default Seller" section
Show the seller of the URL where his traffic is sent– this option allows or disallows the seller to view the address where the traffic which was purchased from him goes.

Return Traffic URL - URLs where the non-purchased traffic will go.
How the system selects a traffic type
While distributing traffic the system selects traffic type from top to bottom, i.e. if traffic is not suitable for the first type, the system switches to the second type, and so on. First traffic parameters are compared with the parameters specified in the top type, the first one. If the parameters are suitable, the traffic goes to the URL specified in the first traffic type. If the parameters are not suitable, they are compared with the parameters specified in the next type. The procedure is repeated, and if the traffic is not suitable for any type, it is returned to the seller and goes to the address specified in the "Return Url field.

Recommendations on specifying similar traffic types
While creating multiple traffic types, for which traffic with the same parameters* can be suitable, type with a more strict policy should be created above types with less strict policies. To achieve desired placing of traffic types they can be arranged in the list using Move Up and Move Down functions.
*For example: There are two traffic types. The 1st type is unique traffic from country Z. The 2nd type is any traffic from country Z. As a result, unique traffic from country Z is suitable for both types.

Example: It is necessary that unique traffic from US and UK was sent to the URL specified in type 1, while non-unique traffic was sent to the URL specified in the type 2.
What you should do:
1. Create both traffic types. One for unique traffic (Uniq Only selected), countries US, UK (United States, United Kingdom), the other for any traffic, unique and non-unique (Uniq Only not selected), the same countries.
2. You should check that the type created for unique traffic only should be above the type for all traffic. If is not so, select the unique traffic type and move it up.
As a result, the first type sorts out the unique traffic, and the rest of the traffic goes to the second type.

To the "Edit Seller" section
Signup Date – date and time of account creation.
Inactive days – number of days since the last hit sent for selling.