Manual DF™ Web-Traffic Shop
Help Topics:
System settings
GeoIP database import
Seller Settings
The "noref" seller
Buyer Settings
The "default" buyer
Incoming traffic for selling in system
Incoming traffic for selling in system
The traffic for selling may come to the system by 2 ways:
1. The administrator (seller) directs his traffic to a special link of this type: - for traffic of no defined category - for traffic of category number N.
The N category number is available in the category section.
2.* The system receives traffic from sellers which is directed to their links, and the system resells the purchased traffic. The URL for sending the purchased traffic defines the type of resold traffic. To direct the purchased traffic for selling the URL should look like this:
SALE - for traffic of no defined category
SALE=N - for traffic of category number N.
As there are individual URLs for sending traffic for every country, you can choose traffic from which countries should be resold.
* only for system DF Web-Traffic Shop (Purchase & Sale) which has traffic reselling enabled.