Changes list DF™ Perl Informer
05/26/2020 Version 1.9x
- Showing C/C++ libraries installed on the server (ls -l /usr/lib/* и ls -l /usr/local/lib/*).
- Interface changes:
- The crypt information indicates the cryptographic algorithm used (Standard DES/MD5/Blowfish).
- Document Root path moved to section in System Path.
- The "Perl Modules" section has been removed. To display the modules now use the link next to the version of Perl.
- IPC information is displayed at once and moved to a separate section.
- Made scrolling when displaying information about processors (there are too many processors to show all at once).
- Highlighting the REMOTE_ADDR value in Environments if the variable does not contain a real IP.
- User/Browser Information:
- Fixed the definition of the user's IP, previously on sites with Cloudflare, IP was determined incorrectly.
- Proxy check. Showing the user's IP sitting under a non-anonymous proxy.
- HostName is shown for the user's IP and proxy.
- Showing the country if mod_geo is installed on the server.
- Checks whether JavaScript is enabled in the browser.
- Added the definition of modern browsers and OS by the User Agent string.
- Fixing errors:
- The detection of the bitness of Windows 32/64 was fixed (it showed earlier the OS of compiling perl).
- The OS in FreeBSD 64 was incorrectly detected.
- Fixed an error in calculating the average server load in linux.
- Fixes when counting a busy place on a disk by busting files.
07/22/2015 Version 1.8x
- Added the ability to set a network password (Htpassword Generator).
- The time for calculating the site's disk space is limited (with a large number of files, the script hung at startup).
06/08/2014 Version 1.7x
- Added a command line (web-shell).
- Password change through the script interface.
04/14/2013 Version 1.6x
- Display IPC information in Unix (Shared Memory Segments, Semaphore Arrays, Message Queues).
11/24/2011 Version 1.5x
- Operating system bit output (32/64 bit)
- Display system information in Windows (systeminfo).
03/29/2011 Version 1.4x
- View required C/C++ libraries to cgi files in the current directory (ldd ./*.cgi).
- Output of the PHP version and output of PHP environment variables (phpinfo).
- Added information about CPU usage (Load Average).
03/23/2009 Version 1.3x
- Displays the current official version in the script.
- Added paths to PHP, Curl.
- Improved OS detection on Unix.
11/04/2003 Version 1.2x
- Code reduction. Output tables through functions.
06/10/2003 Version 1.1x
- Minor bug fixes.
03/28/2003 Version 1.0x
- The start of the project!