System settings

Trader identification.
The choice of trader identifier is necessary to detect the source of incoming traffic forwarded to the site. One of the following options can serve as the trader identifier: the domain of the site from which the traffic is sent or one of the values transmitted in the parameters (query string) of the link to the page with the DF Cheat Analyzer (CA) system counter.
The traffic may be sent to the site by means of direct links from other sites or by means of various systems redirecting traffic from one site to another (CJ/TDS/Top). If the traffic comes from the links available at a site, the domain of this site is often used as the trader identifier. In the cases when the traders send traffic from a number of different sources along with using different systems of traffic redirection, the identifiers are used to differentiate the traffic sent by different traders. The use of domain name as the trader identifier doesn’t have any sense (one trader can send traffic from a number different sites or one site may be used by a number of different traders). In this case the special trader identifier (ID/login/number) transferred in the parameters of the incoming link is used.

In case the domain of the linking page is used as the trader identifier, it’s necessary to make sure that the traffic is sent to the page containing the CA system counter via direct links (with no redirecting). Otherwise, the address of the linking page may get lost and it will be impossible to identify the source of traffic.
In order to use one of the incoming link parameters (parameter of query string) as the trader identifier, a trader should make a link to the page with a CA counter look like:, The link should contain the trader identifier in the parameters and should not contain any redirections.
At the moment, the system supports only direct links to the pages where the traffic is analyzed. We are planning to introduce the support of the links to the sites containing redirections in the system version DF Cheat Analyzer v3.0.

System counter installation guide showing you how to install the counter on pages where traffic needs being analyzed is available in the following category of the Help section:
  - Installation of the system counter (without click analysis).
  - Installing counter and setting up clicks tracking.

Let’s take a look at an example concerning the adjustment of the system for DF TopList Pro/Lite. The system counter gets planted to the pages containing the top list’s rating by means of SSI (<!--#include virtual ="/cgi-bin/cacount.cgi?cafn=loadi" -->). To make the link to the rating page contain the trader identifier check the box in the top list settings: "Forward surfers to the ranking page with his ID in page URL?" (admin.cgi->TopList Setting->Main Settings->Other Options->Forward surfers to the ranking page with his ID in page URL?). After the box is checked the link to the rating page acquires the following form: (where ID is the top list user ID). In the CA system settings section choose: Trader ID identification - by Parameter of query string, link parameter format is [LGN].

Traders groups.
The grouping feature allows displaying traffic from several traders within one group when viewing the statistics. A group can include traders from one site (when several sites are working with one system). Alternatively, it can include traffic from different sites belonging to one and the same user in cases when the user has got one account in third-party system and several sites, from which his traffic is coming. For instance, this can be done when checking the seller's traffic at a traffic exchange.
The name of the group can be taken from the parameters of the inbound link or set by the user when installing the system counter. The group can also be set as a script domain.

URL of Counter.
Defining the system counter script address. Here you should state the Web address of the cacount.cgi counter script. In case the Web address is defined correctly, a picture should appear after you click the link.

Scheduler - software used to launch certain actions in accordance with pre-set schedule. The system may use a server scheduler (cron) or its own one. When you use cron server scheduler, you will have to add tasks into crontab yourself (*/5 * * * * cd /home/user/ && ./cacrn.cgi auto). You are recommended to use the server scheduler since it’s likely to increase system productivity to a certain extent.

Unique Hits.
Uniqueness of hits gets defined with the help of Cookies and IP. Uniqueness time - the period of time, after which a repeated click will be considered unique. Uniqueness time is used to define the uniqueness of the hits from one specific trader and the uniqueness of all hits at the system.

Clicks analysis allows receiving the fullest information about the traffic at the site. In order to collect the information about clicks, you need to make sure that DF Cheat Analyzer (CA) system can track all the clicks made at the site. The click tracking is set up in accordance with the following manual: installing counter and setting up clicks tracking.
Maximum registered clicks - maximum number of clicks registered per user. If the number of clicks exceeds the maximum in some user, the following clicks will not be registered in the statistics (10 min).
Minimum click wait time - minimum time period between the moment the user enters the site and the moment he makes his first click (in seconds). Clicks made within the wait time period will be regarded as fast ones.

Proxy List.
Proxy listing is used to detect clicks coming from anonymous proxy servers. The listing should contain only the anonymous proxy servers since non-anonymous proxies are easily detected by the system even without that listing.

GeoIP Base.
GeoIP base is used mainly to detect the country where the surfer's in and compare it with the countries included into the "black list". Apart from that, a GeoIP base ( may contain information about anonymous proxy servers. We recommend using a server GeoID base - to do that you should have the mod_geoip installed at your server.

Cheat Log.
Log of cases related to the generation of fake traffic (cheat log). This log contains full information about the suspicious surfer hits: why a hit was considered a proxy or a search engine bot, what user agent the surfer who clicked the hidden link has, etc. Information provided in the log is intended for advanced users. If it is not necessary for you, we suggest that you just switch it off in order to decrease the loading of the server.
* In some versions the cheat log may be switched off!